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Across the breadth of 1.6 billion years, journeying from the crucible of the earth, emerges the most intriguing diamond in history.

Argyle Diamond Mine

Across the breadth of 1.6 billion years, journeying from the crucible of the earth, emerges the most intriguing diamond in history. Revered for its exquisite beauty and provenance, the Argyle pink diamond is coveted as the most esteemed diamond in the world.

  • Name of Project : Argyle Diamond Mine
  • Location : Kimberley / Australia
  • Capacity :
  • Type of Work : Complete Roller Press Overhaul in a Diamond Mine

Argyle Diamond Mine
Argyle Diamond Mine
Argyle Diamond Mine
Argyle Diamond Mine
Argyle Diamond Mine
Argyle Diamond Mine
Argyle Diamond Mine