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Mardin Eti Bakır Türkiye ekonomisine katkıda bulunmak üzere faaliyete geçmiştir. Tesisin yıllık fosfat kayası üretim kapasitesi 550.000 tondur.

Mardin Eti Bakır

The plant was established in 1974 to fulfil a portion of Turkey’s phosphate fertilizer requirement and reduce her dependency on imports. Later on it was transferred to the Privatisation Administration by a resolution of the Supreme Board of Privatisation and was put out to tender in 2011. In July 2011 Cengiz Holding purchased the plant and included it in its family.

Mazidagi Phosphate Plants has started its operations to: fulfil a portion of Turkey’s fertilizer need, where as a country of agriculture Turkey relies on imports; create employment, and; contribute to the economy of Turkey. The plant’s capacity for producing phosphate rock is 550,000 tons per year.

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