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Health, safety and Environment Policy:

Hybrid Innovative Solutions A.S and its subsidiary are committed to develop and apply effective Occupational health, safety and environment system. We believe that all injuries, incidents and health hazards can be prevented. We strongly promote a safe and healthy working environment and the well-being to our employees.

The management and staff of HIS are committed to:

  • Comply with all applicable legal and other requirement which pertain to Health, safety and environment.
  • Ensuring the safety and welfare of our staff and the protection of our assets.
  • Prevent accident and work related illness and health issues.
  • Providing a safe system of work and safe working environment for all the stakeholders.
  • Minimize adverse environmental impact.

These commitments will be achieved by:

  • Establish and maintaining a documented health, safety and environmental Management system that will meet international standards.
  • Empower all the company management and staff to fully implement the HSE policy and regulation, then hold all the employees accountable for compliance with HSE regulation and standard
  • Comply with (and continuously seek to improve our compliance with) all applicable HSE laws, regulations, international industry standards and other related internal mandatory requirements.
  • Provide the necessary training to ensure that all employees and contractors are aware of their roles and responsibilities regarding HSE.
  • Continuously improve the Health and safety system of work, and work environment.
  • Communicating the Company's HSE Policy and Objective to relevant parties.
  • Review HSE policy and objective at frequent intervals.
  • Protect the environment from damage and pollution.